
An empirical study of the strategies of grain producers and beekeepers from the Rousse region has been carried out. Both sectors are estimated with a relatively low degree of strategic orientation towards their markets (clients), allies and competitors, the main aim being absorption of subsidies. Their tactical tools are based on products with low value added (inputs). There is a limited use of legally protected intellectual products and the degree of differentiation achieved; subsidized purchase of funds and technologies to reduce production costs. There is an insignificant application of marketing innovations; sales through intermediaries (wholesalers and retailers) and unarranged markets. The opportunities of online markets and organized markets for hedging and risk mitigation are not utilized. Their focus is on cost pricing approaches and passive pricing on unstable input markets. It was established that grain producers from the Rousse region are better off compared to beekeeping farms not only because they are more subsidized but because they have a better market orientation and a greater degree of integration and diversification, respectively a better strategic orientation.

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