
Добыча охотничьих животных оказывает существенное влияние на экосистемы, сокращая биологическое разнообразие, изменяя структуру популяций животных. Регулирование численности охотничьих животных является важной экологической задачей охотхозяйства. В статье рассмотрена динамика численности популяций охотничьей фауны Краснодарского края за 2007–2016 гг. Предложен алгоритм регулирования количества промысловых (охотничьих) животных. Abstract. Hunting animals has a serious impact on ecosystems, reducing biodiversity, changing the structure of animal populations. Regulation of the number of hunting animals is an important environmental task of hunting, and hence the forest, rural and water. The aim of the presented work is to develop approaches aimed at regulating the number of populations of commercial (hunting) animals of Krasnodar region, as well as improving the management system of hunting resources and sustainable development of territories of hunting grounds. The number of animals in hunting farms is a Central indicator on the basis of which the management of hunting resources. In the course of such management, the monitoring of hunting fauna is carried out, the accounting indicators of animal populations are correlated with the optimal ones in accordance with the possibility of their ecological existence in the territory unit. The article presents the change in the populations of the hunting fauna of the Krasnodar region during the period under review. The algorithm of regulation of quantity of trade (hunting animals) is offered. Calculations are made according to generally accepted methods and recommendations of the number and density of hunting animals. As a result of the made calculations and the analysis of number of hunting animals in hunting grounds of Krasnodar Krai discrepancies of the actual and optimum number were revealed. In order to optimize the number of hunting animals and ensure sustainable development of hunting grounds, measures have been developed to bring the number of species of hunting fauna to the optimum. For this purpose it is necessary to carry out biotechnical measures for populations of red deer, ROE deer, wild boar and Fox. It is also necessary to contain the growth of the number of jackals, due to the fact that this animal harms agriculture and hunting.

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