
Study of the function al the apparatus state of plants of six sorts of columned apple-tree was undertaken an in the Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Microbiology of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine by means of portable device of " Floratest". Indexes that represent motion of process of photosynthesis in the letter of plants are certain.By change of IFH (fluorescence induction of chlorophyll) leaves characterized the efficacy of passing light phases of photosynthesis and photochemica l processes of the dark phase; for changes in the parameters of IFH, their small variability in time in the leaves of the columnar apple trees was established.A comprehensive analysis of functional parameters showed a high stability of photosynthetic proce sses in the leaves of all colonic apple varieties. The comparative analysis of the parameters of IFH leaves did not reveal the negative influence of the complex of external environmental factors on the activity of reaction centers and the effectiveness of dark photochemical processes.A decrease of 8-35% of inactive reactive centers of FS2 in the third decade of July was detected compared to the beginning of this month. The efficacy of the light phase of photosynthesis in the third decade of July in the leav es of colonic apple varies not significantly with respect to similar indicators obtained in the first decade.The stability of the light phase of photosynthesis in relation to the dark photochemical processes in plants and the sufficiently high adaptive pot ential of the investigated varieties to the conditions of cultivation, as well as their high potential of productivity, were noted.

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