
The paper offers insights into basic technology used by modern multinational corporations along with identifying the key trends in modern technological environment and outlining its further development prospects. The study reveals that one of the most significant manifestations of the new economy is the process of commercialization of the information sector and the transfer of business operations and part of business process to cyberspace which drives its growth together with the emergence of a new industry – e-commerce, a new sector of the economy that rapidly is becoming more promising and dynamic. It is emphasized that this sector is based on the new models of cooperation between producers, consumers and intermediaries, as well as on new specific product promotion methods. Yet, this does not deny traditional forms of interaction between economic agents and the movement of goods, on the contrary – suggests alternatives to complement them. Within the scope of this article, information networks are considered both as the environment for running business processes, and as the e-commerce infrastructure. The research findings demonstrate that use of modern technology contributes to better adaptation of international business to dynamic challenges of globalization and integration, as well as ensures progress in shaping a modern global economic area. Apart from that, an in-depth analysis of the contemporary technological environment provides evidence that information society encourages producers of goods and services to more rapidly develop technologies at different levels and to suggest a methodology for their application.

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