
The article is dedicated to the general issues of establishment of the criminal liability of legal entities in the Slovak Republic (Slovakia). Similarity of prerequisites for introduction of such liability in the Slovak Republic is noted. Gradual establishment of criminal liability of legal entities in Slovakia is noted, initially it was by means of amendment of the Criminal Code of Slovakia by Law No. 224/2010, which allows for using such “protective measures” as redemption and deprivation of property in relation to legal entities, then it was by means of adoption of Law No. 91/2016 on criminal liability of legal entities. Basic provisions of the Slovak law on criminal liability of legal entities are considered. The attention is paid to the fact that in the Slovak Republic there is a so-called selective criminalization as to the criminal liability of legal entities, when they can be held criminally liable not for all crimes specified in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Slovakia, but only for those of them, which are specified in the special Law No. 91/2016. A list of crimes, for which criminal liability is possible for legal entities, and conditions under which a crime is admitted to be committed by a legal entity, is specified. It is specified, which types of legal entities are foreseen by the Slovak law, and noted that not all of them can be the subjects of criminal liability according to the national laws. The effect of the criminal law is considered in relation to legal entities that have committed crimes in the territory of the Slovak Republic and outside it. The article contains the description of the types of criminal punishments of legal entities, which include: liquidation of the legal entity; deprivation of property; deprivation; penalty; prohibition to carry out activity; prohibition to receive subsidies and grants; prohibition to receive assistance and support from funds of the European Union; prohibition to participate in state procurement; publication of conviction.

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