
The presented material highlights the main stages of the life path of Doctor of Law, Professor Nikolai Antonovich Pridvorov. Attempts were made to comprehend his contribution to the development of legal science and education in the Tambov region, the formation and activities of the scientific school, which functioned on the basis of the Derzhavin Tambov State University under the scientific supervision of Pridvorov since 1995. The life story of Nikolai Antonovich, the path of his education, his formation as a person, as a figure of an outstanding lawyer, the path of a lawyer and founder of the legal community in the Tambov region, his contribution to the development of legal education and science in the Tambov region, the formation of his own scientific school, strong scientific ties with various leading scientific and educational centers, evaluation and recognition of his works by foreign colleagues. It is emphasized that his scientific school was formed on the basis of the conceptual directions of the development of Russian legal science, theoretically substantiated the reform processes in Russia, while referring to the analysis of the historical and legal heritage of domestic and foreign scientists. The influence of N.A. Pridvorov on the formation of a whole generation of lawyers, which allowed the authors to assert that he was the foundation and basis of legal education and science in the Tambov region, leaving in each of his students a vivid idea of law, its supremacy and progressive significance.

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