
The training of modern engineers, in terms of increasing amount of information that must be studied by the student prior to the beginning of his professional activity, requires the intensification of the learning process. The participation of students in lab classes is becoming important. This ensures the learning from different specialized fields and formation of initial skills practice. Operation of commercial instruments became so complex that the skills of management requires more time than is allocated for the laboratory practicum. Therefore, the development of equipment for these classes requires new solutions. It is important that the research objects are interesting to students, and the measurement tools meet a number of specific requirements: equipment for laboratory workshops of junior students must be implemented in “vandal-proof” performance; routine measurement procedures must be performed automatically; the results of experiments must be saved for further use in the educational process – this “careful” approach to the results guarantees increased attention of students in terms of their reliability. The article provides examples of implementation of these requirements in the universal scientific and educational complex “Lab-center”. The implementation of the principles “the same measuring devices and another object of research”, “the study of phenomena should move from simple to complex” in laboratory workshops of special subjects is demonstrated on the example of a complex for studying the features of semiconductor pumping in solid-state lasers. It is noted that it is increasingly required to perform laboratory workshops in “clean rooms”, where the objects of research are protected from external influences. The organization of remote control solves the problem of excluding the presence of students in such premises, but requires the use of special measures to prevent unauthorized access to the management of unique equipment. The article presents possible solutions to this problem. Existing examples show that the effectiveness of the practical classes is largely determined by the level of development of laboratory base of higher education institutions. Keywords: engineering personnel, education, laboratory workshops, equipment, intensification, remote control, Internet.


  • Approach to the results guarantees increased attention of students in terms of their reliability

  • The implementation of the principles “the same measuring devices and another object of research”, “the study of phenomena should move from simple to complex” in laboratory workshops of special subjects is demonstrated on the example of a complex for studying the features of semiconductor pumping in solid-state lasers

  • It is noted that it is increasingly required to perform laboratory workshops in “clean rooms”, where the objects of research are protected from external influences

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Педагогика профессионального образования

Важным становится участие студентов в лабораторных практикумах. Эксплуатация серийных измерительных приборов стала настолько сложной, что получение навыков управления ими требует больше времени, чем выделяется на проведение лабораторного практикума. Поэтому разработка аппаратуры для проведения таких занятий требует применения новых решений. Чтобы объекты исследования были интересны студентам, а средства измерений удовлетворяли ряду специфических требований: аппаратура для лабораторных практикумов студентов младших курсов должна реализовываться в «антивандальном» исполнении; рутинные процедуры измерений должны выполняться автоматически; результаты экспериментов должны сохранять-. Воплощение принципов «Те же измерительные приборы и другой объект исследования», «Изучение явлений должно продвигаться от простого к сложному» в лабораторных практикумах специальных предметов продемонстрировано на примере комплекса для изучения особенностей полупроводниковой накачки в твердотельных лазерах. Организация дистанционного управления решает задачу исключения присутствия обучающихся в таких помещениях, но требует применения специальных мер для предотвращения несанкционированно-

Преподаватель XX ВЕК
Управление лабораторными комплексами через сеть Internet
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