
The subject of the research is the detection of effective methods and forms of interaction between computer technologies and decorative and applied arts. The practice of using computer graphics in various types of art demonstrates its contribution to the formation of creative and artistic abilities of beginners, the increase of knowledge, skills and abilities in using the artistic tools of experienced masters, enabling them to follow the development of advanced highly scientific technologies while adapting to new requirements. The data obtained in the presented scientific research testify to the successful interaction of folk art with computer technologies. The joint work of designers and folk art masters turns into a cohesive and productive action, contributing to modernization and efficiency. The authors base their research on the material studied, as well as on their own creative experiments. The conclusions of the article can become an impetus for the use of computer technologies in arts and crafts, which will help to achieve a positive result in case of difficult and ambiguous production situations and successfully solve the problems of developing the creative component. The use of computer technology is one of the most important trajectories of arts and crafts development in the modern world, which makes it possible to master new ideas, directions, technologies and means, as well as ways to convey the created images.

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