
The mycobiota of Tomsk oblast have been studied for many years on the basis of traditional and modern methods of systematics, biomorphology and molecular biology. Only such approach provides revealing background, and species of regional mycobiota. Basing on the results of 13-year investigations in 2004-2016 and on literature data, we extended the list of macromycetes of Tomsk oblast from 900 to 1300 species (subdivision Pezizomycotina and classis Agaricomycetes). For the stationary work in pine and cedar forests of Tomsk oblast we formed 7 long-term permanent transects with the total area of 1400 m 2 , where we collected and registered macromycetes every 10-15 days during the season. Several species were identified by Blast-N on line of the algorithm of comparing homologous sequences of ITS-region of nuclear DNA ribosomal genes in databases GenBank and BOLD. To amplify ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region we used primer ITS1F common for fungi and primer ITS4B specific for basidiomycetes. We applied the scale of categories of rarity given in the Red Data Book of Tomsk oblast. Inclusion of a species into the group was based on an expert evaluation where key factors were its occurrence (up to 10 finds in the region during the whole period of investigations), reduction in the number as a result of a negative anthropogenic influence, and an analysis of the species occurrence by regional literature sources and by the Red Data Books of adjacent territories. As a result, 192 species were registered under natural conditions and 47 - under anthropogenic ones (in total 18.4% of the regional mycobiota) and are referred to as rare. We analyzed rare species, identified by mycologists in the 1980s (20 species); 11 of them have remained and endangered (See Tables). Four species are of the utmost concern today: Gyromitra sphaerospora (Peck) Sacc.; Phallus impudicus L.; Gyromitra gigas (Krombh.) Cooke and Sparassis crispa (Wulfen) Fr.; the last facts about them were provided in scientific literature in Tomsk oblast more than 30 years ago. Other 9 species were, on the contrary, transferred to the group; with a systematic monitoring they are regularly found in their typical habitats. For 192 presented rare species, the number of their registrations in Tomsk oblast and an overview of their conservation status in some regions of Siberia and European Russia are provided. In order to protect the regional mycobiota, we suggest establishing Specially Protected Natural Areas of different status in intact undisturbed forests and studying the mycobiota in already existing nature reserves. At the present time, this is particularly true for a fungal component of forest ecosystems of Siberia. An expansion of the list of protected species in the region seems important. E.g. in the 1 st edition of the Red Data Book of Tomsk oblast (2002) only 2 species of macromycetes and in the 2 nd (2013) - 8 species were presented; this does not correspond to the real situation and modern data on the species diversity of fungi and their status of rare and disappearing species.

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