
The paper is concerning the problems of forming a dividend policy of joint-stock companies. Also established that the lack of dividend policy leads to a decrease in business reputation and investment attractiveness of joint-stock companies, which negatively affects to the development of that ones. The comparing of variants to define conception of dividend policy of joint-stock company is presented in the paper. As a result, dividend policy of joint-stock company is defined in the paper as a complex of approaches to optimize the size of dividends for various shareholders' groups in order to comply with their property interests, taking into account the financial capabilities and priority objectives of a joint-stock company. Also, the main approaches and basic types of dividend policy realizing is analyzed in the paper with advantages and disadvantages of their practical application. The main alternatives concerning dividend policy are determined in the paper: the growth of investments and accelerated enterprise development with deterioration of the reputation among minority shareholders, or limiting investments with increasing dividends, which leads to improving the reputation and increasing the value of company. In addition, the methodical recommendations for improving the dividend policy of joint-stock companies are substantiated with the improving of current methods of calculating the value of dividends. It is established that the most optimal is dividend policy, which takes into account the relation between financial results and dividend payments of joint-stock company. Particular attention is paid to the substantiation of methods for calculating the value of dividends and allowances, the factor of payment and the and rate of dividends growth. The practical application of the results is important in the case of choosing an aggressive approach to realize dividend policy of joint-stock companies. Thus, the successful application of the recommendations described in the article will provide a gradual increase in business reputation and investment attractiveness of joint-stock companies.

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