
The purpose of the study is the use of non-traditional types of raw materials in the technology of functional types of bakery products. Objectives: joint use in the technology of bakery products (loaves) of buckwheat flour and kelp as functional types of raw materials; determination of the ratio of wheat, buckwheat flour and kelp in the recipe. The object of research is bakery products (loaves) with the addition of buckwheat flour and kelp to the recipe. Experiment options: Podmoskovny loaf according to GOST 27844-88 (control); loaf with a share of 5 % buckwheat flour to the total weight of flour; loaf with a share of 10 % buckwheat flour to the total mass of flour; loaf with a share of 5% buckwheat flour and 1% kelp to the total weight of flour; loaf with a share of 10 % buckwheat flour and 1.5 % kelp to the total weight of flour. Research methods are laboratorial. Conducting test laboratory baking is in accordance with GOST 27669-88. Determination of indicators of porosity, acidity and humidity of finished products was carried out according to the relevant regulatory and technical documents (GOST 5669-96, GOST 5670-96, GOST 21094-75). With a comprehensive assessment of the results of test laboratory baking, scoring of organoleptic quality indicators, as well as standardized physical and chemical indicators of loaves, it was found that the addition of 5 % buckwheat flour and 1 % kelp will allow obtaining a functional product. A recipe for functional bakery products has been developed using non-traditional raw materials for loaves - buckwheat flour and dried kelp powder. The technology and recipes for functional bakery products with buckwheat flour and kelp in the prescribed dosage are recommended for use at bakery enterprises, which will improve the si¬tuation with the prevention of iodine deficiency diseases.

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