
The set of global challenges to the classical University from the modern society and the risks connected with them are analyzed. Thus an innovative type of social development creates the risk of the decrease in the efficiency of University training, the weakening of the scientific component of University education. Virtualization of social relations is fraught with the risk for University to lose training functions. Consumer style of life and thinking of students gives rise to the risks of decreasing the level and quality of educational training, of defundamentalization, fragmentation, and profanation of education in total. Economocentric orientation of modern society provokes the risk of losing the centuries-old University identity foundations - the liberal education and the independent researches, of the University transforming into institution that serves current public needs. The risks of globalization are the loss of national sovereignty by the state higher school, marginalization of national Universities as the result of “The Global University” transnational company establishment. It is considered that mentioned risks can be minimized thanks to the modernization of the classical University.

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