
In article questions of development of innovative economy of the Republic of Tajikistan and a role of business and clusters in this process are considered. Special attention is paid to state-private partnership, its forms of support to economic entities with innovative orientation of their activity. Current trends of social and economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of realization of the market reforms directed to formation of innovative economy are characterized by existence of a number of problems in development of activity of enterprise structures: resource restrictions, imperfection of the standard and legal and legislative base, high tax burden, etc. The listed above problems designated need of search of the new forms and methods of functioning providing sustainable development and competitiveness to economic entities. One of the directions of innovative development of economy of the republic is creation of clusters in various sectors of the economy. Enterprise clusters are designed to solve a number of social problems: creation of new jobs, increase in employment rate and employment of the population, the presented possibilities of self-realization to knowledge, skills of businessmen, increases in the standard of living of the population, etc. It is necessary to carry to economic tasks: formation of the competitive environment, saturation of the regional markets goods and services when ensuring support from the state and large business. Introduction of a cluster system of development of business in modern conditions will allow to overcome negative trends in economy, to make use of foreign experience in ensuring steady rates of economic development and increase in level and quality of life of the population of the republic. The offered forms of state-private partnership will promote consolidation of resources of economic subjects, development of infrastructure that will attract investments into development of the separate industries, creation of clusters. In the conclusion measures for development of the cluster focused economy in relation to conditions of regions of the Republic of Tajikistan are proposed.

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