
Glossalgia is a chronic disease, the main manifestation of which is pain, characterized by burning and tingling, and, most often, not accompanied by lesions of the oral mucosa and tongue. According to most researchers, the disease is considered polyetiological, as it occurs against the background of concomitant pathologies of various systems and organs, such as damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, menopause), diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory system, as well as the presence of inflammatory and traumatic factors in the oral cavity (traumatization of the oral mucosa by elements of dentures, sharp edges of teeth, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint). The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of approaches in the treatment of glossalgia by a dentist over the past few years: treatment tactics, what is their effectiveness and what does not lead to positive results with a high proportion of relapses. The topic of glossalgia treatment is relevant, because it is widespread and concerns not only dentists, but also doctors of other specialties: neuropathologists, endocrinologists, therapists, gastroenterologists, psychiatrists. To date, there are many research works of domestic and foreign authors who have devoted their works to this disease. Currently, there are many methods aimed at symptomatic elimination or weakening of paresthesia through medications and instrumental methods of treatment. However, they do not always give a stable therapeutic effect and often their use is accompanied by a number of adverse reactions in the body. The approach to therapy should consist in the complex and systematic use of therapeutic agents, consisting of measures to eliminate pathological foci, medications, physiotherapy, massage, spa treatment of concomitant somatic diseases, compliance with the regime of work and rest and creating a psychologically favorable atmosphere in the environment. To achieve the greatest effectiveness in treatment, the patient should be examined not only by a dentist, but also by doctors of other profiles. In the course of the study, an analysis of the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment of glossalgia was carried out, using tabular and graphic images, in order to identify the most effective treatment tactics within the framework of a dental appointment.

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