
The subject matter of the article are the processes of forming of objects’ attribute features analytical descriptions for solving applied problems of statistical recognition of objects’ images on multi-channel images. The goal is to develop a multicomponent mathematical model for representing statistical information about the summation of geometric, colour and structural parameters of observational objects. The tasks to be solved are: to formalize the procedure of statistical image segmentation in conditions of incomplete a priori information about objects classes and unknown distribution densities of classification characteristics; to build effective algorithms for detection and linking contour points; to choose a universal mathematical model for describing the geometric shape of both the object and its structural components and to develop a robust method for estimating the model parameters. The methods used are: statistical methods of pattern recognition, methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics, methods of contour analysis, numerical methods for conditional optimization. The following results were obtained. The method of multicomponent model synthesis for describing colour, geometric and structural attributes of object images on multichannel images is proposed. In the model terms, the object is represented by a hierarchical set of nested contours, for the selection of which information about the colour characteristics of statistically homogeneous regions of the image is used. Methods for detecting and linking contour points have been developed, which make it possible to obtain the coordinates of the boundaries circular sweep for both convex and concave geometric objects. As a universal basis for describing the model components, the Johnson SB distribution is adopted, which allows us to describe practically any unimodal and wide class of bimodal distributions. A method for Johnson distribution parameters’ estimation from sample data, based on the method of moments and using optimization procedures for a non-linear objective function with constraints is given. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is as follows: the methods for describing the objects’ images in the form of a combination of several bright-geometric elements and structural connections between them have been further developed, which makes it possible to comprehensively take into account the attribute features of objects in the procedures for analyzing and interpreting images, automatically detecting and locating objects with specified characteristics

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