
The subject of the article is the process of forming a new ontological paradigm of the subject – the modern subject as a center of transformative activity aimed at the world (nature) – the object. Today, along with the classical concepts (M. Heidegger, M. Foucault) linking the genesis of the modern type of subject with the philosophy of Descartes, studies (P. Hajdu, A. De Libera), in which his Christian origins and nature are grounded, are gaining more and more in­fluence. The article focuses on the ontological dimension of this genesis, the author shows that in the process of forming the ontology of the Christian paradigm of the subject, three stages can be distinguished: 1) the formation of Christian ideas about God as a subject of being and at the same time a loving Person, whose incarnation removes the barrier between the divine and the hu­man; 2) articulation of ontological concepts in the form of doctrinal principles of Christianity; 3) conceptualization of the doctrine in the text of the Symbol of Faith, which provides a categorical apparatus and a specific vocabulary for ontological discourse of a new type, one of the central meanings of which is the new subject. The process of general secularization of the Christian doctrine in the rational discourses of modern philosophy, primarily in the concept of Descartes and German classical idealism, led to the consolidation of the Chris­tian type of subjectivity for a person as an existential center of a new ontologi­cal paradigm, whose activity turns into a new metaphysical foundation of the world of objects.

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