
The article defines the quality of sleep of Police officers, which directly affects the quality of their performance of their functional duties, the state of mental and physical health. 60 people aged 34 to 39 years, 25 women and 35 men with different years of service in the police (from 13 to 18 years) took part in the study. The following research methods were used: the Epworth sleepiness scale for assessing the degree of sleepiness of a person; the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), which is used to assess sleep problems; methods of mathematical statistics. Unsatisfactory quality of sleep among workers in this field, related to the nature of work, was established. The average degree of daytime sleepiness was observed in 68% of men and 80% of women, and daytime sleepiness above the norm was characteristic of 31% of men and 20% of women. 48% of women and 31% of men are not satisfied with the quality of their sleep. “The presence of sleep problems” was noted by 56% of women against 27% of men. The analysis of the subjects’ complaints showed a statistically significant predominance of snoring complaints in men (23% against 4% of women). Both men and women attribute sleep problems to “physical fatigue” without statistically significant gender differences. Among the possible household factors that play a role in the development of sleep disorders, the following prevailed in men and women in the first place: tea consumption in 42% of men against 48% in women; 40% of men use coffee against 32% of women; 40% of men smoke cigarettes against 16% of women. The results of our study on the sleep latency component indicate that the majority of women and men had a delay in the onset of sleep in the interval from 0 to 15 minutes, which may indicate a lack of sleep. A comparative assessment of sleep duration shows that only 36% of men and 48% of women have sufficient (more than 8 hours per day) sleep. The conducted studies revealed a slight violation of the quality and quantity of sleep, which affects the work capacity and quality of life of the National Police employees.

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