
The “Wuzixuliezhuan(伍子胥列傳)” in Shiji(史記) is to show the damaging effects of “yuandu.怨毒” Simaqian(司馬遷) constructs a binary opposition, setting up Baipi(伯嚭) and Fucha(夫差) as perpetrators and Wuzixu(伍子胥) as a victim. In so doing, he stresses the wickedness and injustice of the perpetrator and underscores the loyalty and innocence of the victim. The revenge plot of Baigon(白公) Sheng(勝) is also structured in binary opposition, setting Sheng(勝) up against Zixi(子西). The prevalent structure of binary opposition has several effects. First, the evils of the perpetrator and the innocence of the victim are both highlighted. Second, The evil imagery of Baipai(伯嚭) and Fucha(夫差) recalls the memory of Chupingwang(楚平王) and Feiwuji(費無忌), which creates the sympathy for Wuzixu(伍子胥) who went through the same painful experience twice. Third, we begin to understand and accept the necessity of Wuzixu’s “yuandu(怨毒)” excepting from our moral judgment his excessive action in the face of the outlandish vengeance and death of pouguanzhanshi(剖棺斬屍). Consequently we are alerted to the danger of “yuandu(怨毒)” in the evocation of rage and sympathy. In the end, the binary structure that is adopted by Simaqian(司馬遷) makes the life of Wuzixu(伍子胥) an exciting kaleidoscopic story of great literary quality.

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