
The study aims to identify the connection between politics and law and the effect of such connection on social and legal reality, including the state and efficacy of criminal policy. The author aims at updating theoretical provisions about the state and law and concepts of legal understanding to determine the discourse of political and legal reality that provides certain properties of law and law enforcement in the battle against crime. The author expands upon this connection using general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison) and specific scientific (axiological, historical, sociological, and special legal) methods of scientific knowledge, which allow examining the general and special value content of law and politics. The influence of politics on law can affect the fundamental principles of the law nature. It may lead to a number of unfavorable consequences in the battle against crime, starting from the ineffectiveness of special criminal and criminal legal measures that control the criminalization of society to a state threatening society, which can be defined as the “disbandment” of law. The main issue of modern domestic criminal policy is political opportunism of the law, which is characterized by legislative instability and multidirectional vectors in crime-fighting strategy and tactics. Thus, it endangers the well-being and security of citizens, society, and the state. Legal and political ideas must have a common value content that links law and politics with dialectical unity. In a democratic state governed by the rule of law, law, in its integrative understanding, should be the basis for politics in general and criminal policy in particular.

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