
The paper is focused at the development and validation of a psychometric scale of the subjective quality of time. The subjective quality of time is the measure of fullness with which one can experience a certain period of time, or the time associated with certain activity. Based on this, we aimed to develop a scale for measuring the subjective quality of time. The original version of the scale included 15 bipolar rating scales. In the process of testing and improving the psychometric characteristics of the inventory, the number of scales was reduced to 5. The one-factor model for 5 statements showed an acceptable fit to the data (multigroup model in Mplus 8.4, MLR statistic: X2(20) = 36.10, p = 0.015, CFI = 0.963, RMSEA = 0.089, 90% CI [0.039; 0.134], SRMR = 0.036). The reliability of the scale (Cronbach's alpha) ranged from 0.79 to 0.87 in different samples. Several studies have focused on the construct validity of the new measure. In the study about the characteristics of self-regulation of hatha yoga practitioners, the assessment of the quality of time of yoga practice was significantly higher than the assessment of the quality of time for filling out questionnaires (Student's t-test: p<0.001; d = 1.22). In another study of psychological and behavioral responses to the Covid-19 pandemic, the scale of the subjective quality of time was offered to a sample of students as part of a set of measures. As we expected, against the background of the unfolding pandemic, assessment of the quality of time for the last month was significantly lower than for the previous year. It also significantly correlated with other indicators of subjective well-being. There were no significant links between the assessment of the quality of time over the past month and over the past year with emotions and fears caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Thus, the developed time quality scale has good psychometric characteristics and is suitable, among other things, for mass monitoring surveys

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