
Background: Culturing wild ginseng adventitious root using plant factory technology provides genetic safety and high productivity. This production technology is drawing attention in the fields of functional raw materials and product development. The cultivation method using elicitors is key technology for controlling biomass and increasing secondary metabolites.BRMethods and Results: Elicitor treatments using methyl jasmonate, pyruvic acid, squalene, β-sistosterol were performed to amplify total ginsenosides (Rb1, Rc, Rb2, Rb3, and Rd) of cultured wild ginseng adventitious root. Thereafter, fermentation and steaming processes were performed to convert total ginsenosides into minor molecular ginsenosides (Rg3, Rk1, and Rg5). The result indicated that methyl jasmonate minimizes the reduction in fresh weight of cultured wild ginseng adventitious root and maximizes total ginsenosides (sum of Rb1, Rc, Rb2, Rb3, and Rd). Ginsenoside conversion results showed a maximum degree of conversion of 131 ㎎/g.BRConclusions: In this study, we demonstrated that the optimal elicitor treatment method increased the content of total ginsenosides, while the steaming and fermentation processing method increased the content of minor ginsenosides.

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