
The folk choreographic culture of Western Podillya is a kind of chronicle of traditions, rituals and customs of the regional dance heritage, which is an integral part of the choreographic culture of Ukraine as a whole.Given the processes of globalization in the modern world, the regional perspective of scientific research becomes especially relevant. However, despite numerous scientific works that cover the development and functioning of amateur dance groups, Western Podillya wasn’t mentioned.According to the Ternopil Regional Methodical Center of Folk Art (TRMCFA), as of 2018, there were 200 choreographic groups (about four thousand participants) in the cultural institutions in Ternopil region, including 12 folk and 23 exemplary ensembles.Amateur choreographic art was also popularized among students in higher educational institutions of Western Podillya.The Promin folk dance ensemble of Ternopil State Pedagogical Institute (now Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagigical University) dates back to 1969, the title was conferred in 1977 (leader – Honored Culture Worker of Ukraine Vasyl Pochynok).Terebovlya Higher School of Culture (now Terebovlya College of Culture and Arts) is the only educational institution in Ternopil region for training specialists in the sphere of professional choreographic art development. The Dzherelo folk dance ensemble, guided by Honored Scholar of Education of Ukraine Halyna Aleksandrovych, and the Lyubystok. amateur folk dance ensemble of the Centre for Culture and Leisure of the Terebovlya City Council, which was founded in 1989 on the initiative of Honored Culture Worker of Ukraine Ihor Nykolyshyn, function there.The Yabluneviy tsvit folk dance ensemble of Chortkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical College named after Oleksander Barvinskiy, guided by Honored Culture Workers of Ukraine – Nataliya and Volodymyr Hudovi – was founded in 1994, the title was conferred in 1996.The Neopalyma Kupyna National Theater of Folk Dance of Ternopil Higher Vocational School № 4 named after Mykhailo Parashchuk has been functioning since 2001 (leader – Honored Culture Worker of Ukraine Vasyl Pochynok).The Nadzbruchanka Academic Dance Ensemble, which was founded in 1959 according to the order of the Department of Culture in Ternopil region and on the initiative of the Regional House of Folk Art (now the Regional Philharmonic) for the purpose of promoting choreographic art among the population of Podillya, is the only professional dance ensemble in Western Podillya.Therefore, the study of the functioning of these dance ensembles is determined by ethnographic and historical value in the context of contemporary reproduction of real national identity. It is an effective factor in the artistic, aesthetic and national upbringing of children and young people.

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