
Purpose. To study the disorders of visual functions in patients with orbital wall fractures depending on their localization. Methods. An analysis of a comprehensive clinical examination of 62 patients aged 16 to 60 years with cranioorbital injury who were on inpatient treatment in the departments of Maxillofacial surgery of the dental clinic of the Tashkent State Dental Institute and 2 clinics of the Tashkent Medical Academy was performed. Results and discussion. A comprehensive survey of patients allowed us to exclude pathology of the organ of vision in trauma of the orbit combined with traumatic brain injury of mild severity, which should ensure an objective approach in qualifying the severity of the injury. Reconstructive operations in the early period of craniocerebral trauma can achieve regression of oculomotor disorders in 98.4 %, dystopia of the eyeball in 82.5 %, diplopia in 86.5 % and obtain good cosmetic outcomes. Key words: orbital trauma; reconstructive surgery; severity of injury.

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