
This article is devoted to analysis of legal regulation of non-traditional family unions in the United States. The purpose of the study is stipulated by the tendency to increase the number of non-traditional family unions which exists in many foreign countries.
 In this work the reasons of emergence of non-traditional family formations are studied. The author examines legal regulation of de facto marital unions (cohabitations), registered partnerships, same-sex marriages by the legislation of the States of the USA.
 In result of the conducted research the author came to the conclusion that legal recognition of non-traditional family units in the United States is explained by the needs of the family with the changed structure that will allow to adapt to a variety of new economic and social conditions.
 At the same time the author believes that the recognition of same-sex marriage is inadvisable because same-sex unions cannot fulfill the main function of family – reproduction (biological appearance of a person), since the main objective of any species is the preservation of the life of this species. Moreover, children brought up by same-sex parents usually follow the example of their parents. In families based on actual marital relations of men and women a reproductive function is fulfilled as it appears from demographic research.

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