
At the end of the 18th century, with the birth of a nation, the rise of the nation-state led to the modernization of politics. In France, the era of parliamentarism and popular politics began. This also had the effect of leveling and unifying all of the French. In addition, industrialization, urbanization, expansion of telecommunications and trade networks, and the standardization of large-scale education systems have lifted the entire population from illiteracy. The phenomena of modernization also affected the French concept of nation and national identity. With the inauguration of the Third Republic, the central tasks of political modernization were the creation of a unified nation and the unification of the French. This paper tried to focus on the issues of division and unity of the Third Republic, focusing on the policies promoted for national unity during the period of ‘Absolute Republic’ in the first half of the Third Republic. In other words, what were the contents of the policies for ‘integration’ that the state focused on, and despite the Republican consensus, what were the issues that arose within the French over the policy of the absolute republic at the time, and I try to understand the aspects of the ‘divided society’. In the end, it could be seen that the issue was the ‘ethnicity’ inherent in the nation that blocked the unity of the French.(Soongsil University)

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