
The article covers an issue of development and functioning of pragmatic features in Ukrainian mentality. Mentality is not a stable way of thinking, it constantly changes due to impact of various factors. A nation constantly improves one’s mentality through new attitudes and perception based on which one’s attitude towards the world is developed. The natural development of pragmatic features is emphasized based on the impact of socio-economic, political and cultural preconditions. Evolution of Ukrainian mentality in the history of Ukraine was traced. Main stages and features of origination of pragmatic features of Ukrainians were highlighted. The role of Cossacks during development of capitalistic features in the structure of a national mentality was emphasized. Emphasis is made on contribution of Taras Shevchenko to the process of development of a new Ukrainian mentality. Pantheism was highlighted as a basis for other factors of a national mentality. Issues that arose for the mentality of Ukrainians during the Soviet period were indicated. The role of sovereignty in assistance in establishment of strengths of our mentality and their mani­festation during the years of armed struggle against the russian aggression was disclosed. Pragmatism as a social feature of a national culture is a component of a national social system in general, it reflects features of thinking and behaviour mechanisms of people in socio-economic activity of a person and society. Pragmatism is certainly reproduced in society and people leading to transformation of economy, enrichment of culture, spirituality, state policy, people themselves. The essence of social mechanisms of origination, formation, development and transformation of Ukrainian mentality was analyzed, namely in the aspect of the balance of individualism and collectivism. The essence of social mechanisms of origination, formation, development and transformation of Ukrainian mentality was analyzed, namely in the aspect of the balance of individualism and collectivism. Legal shortcomings that create problems on the path of further development of pragmatic features of a national mentality were mentioned.

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