
The article discusses approaches to conducting ethnological expertise to assess the consequences of changes in the native habitat of indigenous peoples of the North in connection with an emergency oil spill at the TPP-3 in Norilsk on May 29, 2020. It shows the impact on the environment as a result of past economic activity on the territory of the Norilsk industrial district, as well as possible changes in the sphere of traditional nature management in connection with an emergency oil spill. It is proposed to divide the assessment of negative effects on the environment and the traditional way of life of indigenous peoples associated with past economic activities and changes caused by the current impact of accidental pollution and its consequences on the ethnic group and the traditional way of life of the local population. The stages and content of ethnological expertise of changes in the native habitat of indigenous peoples on the territory of the Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets municipal district of the Krasnoyarsk territory due to an emergency oil spill are considered. The assessment of possible harm to small indigenous peoples for subsequent compensation is proposed to be determined on the basis of reduced resource productivity of the territory and lost profits for certain types of traditional nature use. The zone of withdrawal of the territories of traditional nature use area stress should be determined on the basis of instrumental measurements of the level of environmental pollution (water, soil, etc.). Holding the ethnological expertise in connection with environmental pollution on the territories of traditional nature use, including the assessment and compensation of the caused harm, allows to harmonize the interests of all stakeholders to minimize ecological, economic and social risks in the field of natural use.

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