
The main ecological and geochemical feature of uranium extraction industry is a receipt of natural radionuclides (ERN) of
 radioactive families 238U, 235U, 232Th in environment. Radiating pollution is generally caused by natural 238U and products of its disintegration, such as long-living alpha-nuclides 230Th and 226Ra, as well as short-living alpha-nuclides 222Rn (radon) and products of its disintegration. The most dangerous of these products are 210Po, 210Bi and 210Pb. Radon is potentially radioactive carcinogen. Some especially human dangerous radionuclides are formed in the course of its disintegration. The most dangerous of these radionuclides is 210Ро. Polonium poisoning of human body can be predicted in 15—20 years of continuous inhalation of air with radon aerosols. In this regard in areas of uranium ores production and processing it is extremely important to carry out annual calculation of radiating risks under irradiation by radon and affiliated products of its disintegration.

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