
The article presents prospects for the development of the probation institute in Russia, which will be oriented to the development of juvenile probation in Russia, that will become the basis for ensuring successful social adaptation and subsequent reintegration into the modern society of juveniles convicted in the post-penitentiary period. The author proposes to consider the introduction of amendments at the legislative level: 1) in part 1, article 139 of the UIC «Remaining in educational colonies sentenced to deprivation of liberty who have reached adulthood»; 2) in clause 4, article 5.27. «Violation of labor legislation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms» of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (the author proposes specifying the subjects of labor law); 3) in part 2, article 180 of the UIC of the Russian Federation «Duties of the administration of institutions executing punishments on assistance in the labor and domestic arrangements of released convicts and in applying medical measures to them». The author suggests to change the structure of the new law of the Russian Federation «On probation service in the Russian Federation». When developing and further discussing this draft law in the Russian parliament it is important to pay attention at the section «The main activities of the rehabilitation centers of the Russian FC».


  • which will be oriented to the development of juvenile probation

  • that will become the basis for ensuring successful social adaptation

  • subsequent reintegration into the modern society of juveniles convicted in the post-penitentiary period

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В статье представлены перспективы развития института пробации в России, которые будут ориентированы на развитие ювенальной пробации в России, что станет основой для обеспечения успешной социальной адаптации несовершеннолетних осужденных в постпенитенциарный период и их последующей реинтеграции в современное общество. 139 УИК РФ «Оставление в воспитательных колониях осужденных к лишению свободы, достигших совершеннолетия»; 2) в п.

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