
The study examined changes in the compositional and graphic model of the Don magazine. Various definitions of the term “compositional-graphic model” were also analyzed, on the basis of which the authors determined that this is a publication model, a kind of regulatory system that reflects the essential characteristics of the appearance of a periodical. The work identifies criteria for analyzing the compositional and graphic model of a literary and artistic magazine: 1) brand and logo; 2) cover design model; 3) original design of materials on the strips; 4) font design of headings, headings and texts; 5) additional means of selection; 6) color scheme of the publication. Based on the selected characteristics, an analysis was carried out of the design model of the magazine “Don” in the period from 1945 to 2022. The transformation of the compositional and graphic model of the literary and art magazine “Don” was analyzed. To achieve this goal, compositional and graphic models of the publication were considered in different periods of the existence of the Don magazine: 1945–1949, 1950–1952, 1953–1957, 1958–1963, 1963–1976, 1977–1979, 1980–1989, 1990–1993, 1994–2000, 2001–2022 At the final stage of the study, the modern compositional and graphic model of the publication was considered, which, according to the researchers, does not contribute to the recognition of the Don brand. During the study, the authors came to the conclusion that modern issues of the magazine lack an original design concept that could attract a new audience.

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