
The aim of the article is to study reflection as a mechanism of professional training of future teachers. The psychological nature of reflection as a universal mechanism of self – regulation and self – development of the personality is considered. In the scientific community there are various approaches to understanding pedagogical reflection. It is interpreted as: activity; component of pedagogical abilities of the teacher; mental neoplasm of the student's personality. The reflection of the future specialist, as his inner mental activity, is aimed at self-knowledge and understanding of their own actions and states, interpersonal relationships and communication with others, because self-knowledge is the initial stage of self-improvement. The teacher's ability to reflect is a mechanism for rethinking stereotypes of consciousness, behavior, communication, thinking, awareness of the bases, means, stereotypes of activity, their critical and heuristic rethinking, generating innovations in various aspects of professional activity. The development of reflexive-project skills allows the teacher not only to realize his professional activity, but also to make the transition from the position of «response» to the position of «self-organization». The teacher learns to teach himself to define the limits of his knowledge (ignorance) and independently find the conditions to overcome their own limitations, thereby increasing their professional competence. An experienced teacher's process of reflection is permanent, depending on: individual and personal characteristics; personal maturity; practical experience; professional erudition; level of general culture. The model of development of reflective skills of future teachers includes a set of different methods and tools, as well as various forms of organization of the educational process, such as lectures, seminars and practical classes, trainings, independent and self-educational work, individual and group consultations. Internships are a key component of each course (compulsory and optional). The key to students' professional development is to encourage continuous growth through critical theoretical understanding, practical application and experimental learning, both inside and outside the university. The ability to reflect is an important factor in the readiness of teachers to innovate, the desire for self- improvement, the introduction of educational innovative products in the educational process.

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