
The problem of assessment of the quality of life is one of the most important and major problems of modernity. Solving this problem concerns population, public, authorities and business communities. Moreover, it is a subject for discussion on the different levels of economy. There are a lot of ratings in which Saint Petersburg takes leading places by quality of life among regions of Russian Federation criteria. It is necessary to compare this indicator with the best cities in the world. However, there are few ratings target an assessment of the quality of life in the regions of Russia and these ratings are not systematized and can be inaccurate. In order to more clearly approach the modeling an assessment of Saint Petersburg’s quality of life, an author wonders: How do young people of Saint Petersburg city understand a term “quality of life”? The answers obtained with the use of the methods of expert evaluation, made an author to attempt to assess the quality of life indicator in the context of city regions. The methodological basis of the research was made up of a general scientific philosophical approach using methods of interdisciplinary research, such as modeling, methods of system analysis, etc. Modeling quality of life assessment was carried out using methods of econometric data analysis, as well as a Methodology for assessing the quality of life developed at the Institute of Regional Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The information base of the study was made up of Rosstat digital resources containing official statistical information on the main indicators characterizing the quality of life of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Based on the results of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the condition for achieving a better quality of life is a clear understanding of its essence and current state. The results of modeling quality of life assessment within the regions of Saint Petersburg give reason to believe that there is little differentiation between urban areas according to this indicator, and the quality of life is steadily increasing. In order to identify ways to improve the quality of life in individual regions, a more detailed study is needed to identify the features of their economy and management.

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