
The paper is devoted to the description of mental verbs in the Russian dialects of the Amur region. The aim of the research is to develop a classification of mental verbs recorded in the materials of the “Dictionary of Russian Dialects of the Amur region”. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it analyses a group of mental verbs using virtually unexplored dialect material of Russian dialects of secondary formation located in the zone of inter-dialect contact, as well as under the influence of the literary language. The research findings have shown that mental verbs in the studied group of dialects can be classified into 7 groups depending on the expressed nuclear meaning (verbs of thinking denoting a thought process and a thought act; verbs with the meanings ‘to understand’, ‘to know’, ‘to remember’, ‘to suppose’, ‘to believe’, ‘to be mistaken’; in addition, there are lexemes with a mental meaning formed in a verb used in set expressions, as well as dialectal verbs correlated with mental verbs in the literary language). The characteristic of the semantic structure peculiar to the individual units of mental verbs recorded in the “Dictionary of Russian Dialects of the Amur region” can add to the description of the regional version of the Russian language in the Amur region.

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