
American Economic Review in the United States and the Korean Journal of Economic Studies in Korea are both leading academic journals representing their respective countries in the field of economics. Founded in 1911 by the American Economic Association, American Economic Review, the monthly published journal is renowned as the most prestigious journal in the field of economics. On the other hand, the Korean Journal of Economic Studies, initiated by the Korean Economic Association in 1953, holds the longest tradition and authority in the field of economics in South Korea. In this study, we analyzed recent economic trends by examining abstracts published in the past three years, using these two countries' representative economic journals. The analysis involved web scraping 53 Korean abstracts (the Korean Journal of Economic Studies) and 320 English abstracts (American Economic Review) from 2021 to 2023, acquired from the online journal websites of both countries. To facilitate the interpretation of topic analysis, we applied selected topic-specific association rules to derive more refined insights. The results of the analysis revealed that the Korean journal encompasses seven topics, whereas the American journal covers five topics. The interpretation of these topics indicated that household income and regional economic themes are prevalent in the Korean Journal of Economic Studies, while topics related to the labor market and general equilibrium models are prominent in the American Economic Review.

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