
The article provides and analyzes statistical data of inter-country comparisons of features of the use of alternative forms and national models of the complex organizational and economic mechanism of regulation by fundamental scientific researches (FSR). The effectiveness of the costs for achieving the goals of improving the level and quality of satisfaction of society’s life needs by means of purposeful activity on the formation of a dynamic science and technology-natural complex of basic knowledge with autonomous laws of functioning and self-regulation by means of consistent activation, scale-up and maximum universalization of practice-transforming activities on the formation of a scientific worldview on a solid structure of nature, society and thinking is monitored. The connection between the use of alternative forms and levers of regulation of the FSR and the results of the formation of subject content of fundamental scientific knowledge is investigated, an attempt is made to quantify the success of the use of scientific criteria for assessing the level of FSR efficiency, based on the sequence of the passage of individual stages of the Mayevic cycle of formation of new knowledge in the course of solving partial cognitive problems of the development of fundamental scientific theories. The thesis is that the volumes and directions of investment in the FSR are determined by the economic potential of the national economy, and some individual aspects of the deployment of the organizational and economic mechanism of regulation of the process – by national peculiarities of the implementation of social policy of the transition from the industrial to the post-industrial model of the economy, the characteristic features of which are the degree of influence of the state on its formation, types of basic social processes, political and ideological direction of forms of public regulation of the social sector, the level of development of the national innovation system, proportions of final consumption in the structure of the inter-sectoral balance of the national economy, the level of stakeholder engagement in managing the social sphere of the economy, etc.

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