
The purpose of the work is to analyze measures to ensure safety during the simultaneous performance of various high-risk works on the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant stationary platform. Due to the high requirements for ensuring industrial and environmental safety, almost all the works performed on the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant stationary platform are classified as high-risk works. The most dangerous periods from the point of view of the development of accidents are the periods of commissioning work on working environments during the completion of construction and the startup of facilities after repairs. During the current operation of the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant stationary platform, more than 90 work permits are issued daily for work, with more than 50 people involved in the preparation and approval of them. There are technological operations that should not be carried out simultaneously for safety reasons. To manage the safety of simultaneous works, Gazprom neft shelf LLC developed the matrix of simultaneous operations on the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant stationary platform. The matrix allows the work production manager to quickly navigate the existing restrictions, which minimizes the occurrence of errors. To automate this process, Gazprom neft shelf LLC implemented the Electronic work order — approval module. The IT solution integrates a matrix of simultaneous operations and introduces algorithms to prevent conduct of conflicting operations. When approving and issuing work permits, the system signals the presence of conflicting operations, as a result of which a prompt decision is made on the division of works in time. At the same time, the work managers do not face the situations related to downtime of a team arriving at a work site where it is prohibited to carry out work. This made it possible to optimize the work of the teams, directing them to perform other work. The implemented solution allowed to ensure controllability of high-risk works, improve the quality of work planning, and reduce the risks of conducting conflict operations by minimizing the influence of the human factor.

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