
This study analyzes the problem that fingernail managers are not classified as an independent occupational group in the Korean Standard Classification of Occupations, which is published by Statistics Korea, but are included as a subclass of skin and body managers, and suggests improvements to the Korean Standard Classification of Occupations system. In the current 7th Korean Standard Classification of Occupations, the subcategory Beauty-related service workers of the large category service workers are subdivided into Hairdressers, Cosmetologists, Skin and body managers, Make-up artists and make-up workers, and Other beauty-related service workers. There are four national technical qualifications related to hairdressing: hairdresser (general), hairdresser (skin), hairdresser (fingernail), and hairdresser (makeup). The beauty industry defined by the Public Health Management Act is subdivided into general beauty, skin beauty, fingernail beauty, and makeup and makeup beauty. The National Competency Standards(NCS) also categorizes these services into hairdressing, skin care, makeup, fingernail care, and massage. Based on the National Technical Qualification, the Public Health Management Act, and the NCS, the occupation of fingernail Managers does not belong to Skin and Body Managers, and fingernail Managers should be upgraded to the same classification as Skin and Body Managers. Therefore, this study aims to improve the Korean Standard Classification of Occupations to enhance the professional competence of fingernail managers and raise their status.

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