
The article deals with the need of compulsory participation of pregnant women in clinical research of drugs. By the beginning of the 90‑s of the last century, the majority of drugs prescribed to women was characterized by unsubstantial evidence of effectiveness and safety for women. Moreover, pregnant women almost did not participate in clinical research. Though pregnancy is a dynamic condition that can be compared with itself only. Then supervisory bodies created some documents regulating compulsory participation of the population in the research of drugs. However, until now, women are not sufficiently involved in the research of new original drugs, and pregnant women do the same very rarely. Possible scenarios of participation of pregnant women in clinical research have been reviewed. In particular, research of drugs used in therapy of abnormal conditions associated with pregnancy; drugs to treat chronic and acute pathological processes not related to pregnancy, and when a woman gets pregnant during the research have been distinguished. The importance of inclusion of pregnant women into the trials of effectiveness and safety of drugs in the presence of socially significant diseases, including the ones found during COVID‑19 pandemics, is postulated.

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