
Mission is the task of the Great Commission. For the purpose, the role of Christian leaders is not to drive but to lead the people of God. Missionary leadership must be derived from biblical leadership. It is necessary to discuss about what kind of leadership is needed for mission field as well as church ministry through the leadership in the Bible. Leadership should be attained through the Scripture and be learned to discern the will of God instead of trying to receive it through human thinking. Even if there are many role models as a leader in the Bible, the author wants to focus on Moses, Nehemiah and Jesus. That is why they have shown us a radical paradigm shift on leadership. Missionary role as a leader must be on human relationships as the heart of the missionary task. In order to persuade people, they must win people, and to that end leaders must build relationships based on love and trust: “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”(Matt. 20:28). In conclusion, good leaders are not loners, but mix well with people. Leaders must be friendly and likable. They need to relate well with many different types of people, being inclusive in thought and action. Good leaders are not celebrities, but celebrators. Good leaders are not subversive, but submissive. Good leaders so notdo it all themselves, but involve others. Good leaders do not seek rewards, for they are satisfied with a job well done. They are customized by the Creator for ministry to their generation. They are fashioned through the faithful servant-leader``s emulation of the Son.

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