
Insufficiently known pages from the history of Plast are considered in the article. They concern to the revival of the organization in the camps for prisoners of war – DPs – in Germany after World War II and the beginning of the organization activities in Australia. It is concluded that the formation of the first Plast circles during this period has been spontaneous and taken place within the framework of active social, political, cultural, religious and economic life of Ukrainians in the DP camps. The Union of Ukrainian Plast Emigrants (UUPE) leаded by commandant Atanas Figol has been revived to direct this process to organized course. During 1945–1948 he has conducted a number of meetings important for the further development of Plast. Organizational and ideological principles of its activities analyzed in the submitted research are formed at them. It is proved that the Congress in Aschaffenburg of 1948 has become the milestone event for Plast. It has taken place as a part of celebration of the 35th anniversary of the organization creation. Taking into account the beginning of the relocation of many Ukrainians to the places of the new settlement, the Congress has been held under the slogan On a Long Journey to a Great Goal. It is found out that the main threats awaiting Ukrainians abroad in the understanding of the Plast leaders of this period are described. Attention is also paid to moral, spiritual and ideological heritage that Plast members should take in this journey; the requirements for physical development and national-patriotic education; the ideal of a young Ukrainian; ways of preservation of national and cultural space, etc. These guidelines have formed the basis for the development of Plast activities in Australia, where the first wave of Ukrainian emigrants arrive in 1948–1951. The main ways of their implementation, as well as the challenges faced by Ukrainians on the new continent territory are revealed. The names of the first Plast members in Australia, data on their number, location of circles, artistic groups in which they participate, are introduces into scientific circulation in the research.

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