
Formalized geochemical models have been constructed in the relative metrics of a standard in the primary halo contour of the main component. They arc based on geochemical zonality studi esand on the similarity method. Formalized models of gold and polymetallic ore formations were built for the first time in Bulgaria on the example of the copper-gold-polymetallic deposits in Vozdol in the Chelopech ore field. For that purpose were used investigations on the relationships belween the alterations in gold productivity and on the total amount of lead and zinc and the changes in the ore zones in depth. Taking into account the models the range of two types of ore depos its as well as the prognostication of metal resources according to geochemical data were determined. The prospects of gold and lead-zinc formation in an ore deposit were specified. A model of the gold formation for the whole field of the ore deposit was created according to the for ecast resources assessment. The numeriacal values of the factor for the estimation of the prognostication resources of gold in genetically similar deposits differing in sizes were found. The obtained models confirmed the well-known generalization of the endogenous ore formation. They can be used further for the estimation of similar sites in the ore field of Panagjurishte. On the example of the lead-zinc deposits in Rouen and Mali Rouen from the Ossogovo ore region, as well as the copper-pyrites deposits Radka in Panagjurishte ore region, it has been demonstrated how the real extent of the standard can be enlar ged and how the necessary number of zone indices may be chosen so that the formalized models of endogenous ore formation are constructed more effectively. This method is suitable for the creati on of the formalized models of the main industrial types of hydrothermal ore deposits in Bulgaria on the basis of the available data.

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