
The influence of postmodernism on the development of a model of language policy, which consists of political actions, technologies, flash mobs, political shows, manipulations, etc., which negatively influence the formation of this model, is explored. It is revealed that the positive component of the development of the language policy model during the postmodern period is such phenomena as freedom, independence, democracy, pluralism, etc. Conversely, the development of a model of language policy is hampered by political technologies, various actions, demonstrations aimed at the formation of pro-Russian self-consciousness in Ukrainians, the rejection of all Ukrainian: Ukrainian independence, unity, language, culture, history, heroes, etc. It is noted that the development of the language policy model is hampering the symbolic linguistic policy, which manipulated all political forces during the independence years and used it during the election for victory.The definition of postmodernism as a phenomenon and construct, which is inherent in it: the fall of respect for power, which we observe not only on the example of Ukraine, which has experienced several revolutions during the period of independence, the last of which is the "Revolution of Dignity", but also other foreign and rather successful democratic ones. states such as Canada, Belgium, etc., where the authorities can not overcome linguistic-political confrontation and solve language-political problems in a civilized way; the enhancement of human self-expression that is generated by the postmodern realities of the lives of ordinary people and policy makers, as well as the use of technologies that promote the carnival of protest actions; "Blinding game characters" when flash mobs, performances and theatricals are used to show weaknesses of power, its incompetence, and the unwillingness to work for the benefit of the people and the state; the virtualization of the political life that takes place during the election, when the struggle of ideas and programs is replaced by the struggle of political showmans for the number of viewers / readers, liceans, social networking posts that clearly showed the presidential election in Ukraine in 2019; turning policies into "talk shows" when private TV and radio channels discuss the same problems or are obvious and understandable to most viewers and listeners issues that are often accompanied by controversy and even fights that television channels broadcast to many countries of the world. Particular attention in this article is paid to various postmodern theories, the overwhelming percentage of which is related to the destructive problems of the model of language policy and those institutions that are not able to cope with the language-political challenges of the present. Proceeding from the above, it was concluded that citizens' loyalty to the model of language policy, which is not specific to their language and culture, as well as the state in whose territory they live, is largely ensured by the welfare they see in the growth of the economy, the formation of identity, mutual understanding and in building a European or other model of language policy on the basis of equality, pluralism, multi – or monoculturalism.

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