
The American occupation of Iraq in 2003 showed a situation that appears to the other that there is a lack of integration among the components of the Iraqi people that the occupation forced to perpetuate. The pluralism enjoyed by Iraqi society is not a negative or a unique case among the countries of the world. Therefore, it requires the political system in Iraq to believe in pluralism, preserve the rights and public freedoms of all members of the people without discrimination, and raise the interest of the nation above subsidiary affiliations. Under these circumstances, there was an attempt to impose the Iraqi national identity, but these attempts collided with the changes that occurred after 2003 AD, which adopted sectarian, regional and national quotas, which complicated the problem of building a national identity. The research hypothesis stems from an attempt to impose identities and ideologies, which was an obstacle to the construction of the Iraqi national identity, and that the change after 2003 AD has complicated the problem of building the national identity, and its lack of it cast a shadow over the policy of this study and an attempt to analyze the problem and present proposals to rebuild the national identity on appropriate foundations and according to the following axes: The first axis: the concept of citizenship and its components The second axis: the most prominent means used for citizenship education.

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