
Childhood and adolescence are dynamic periods regarding nevogenesis. The mechanisms of nevogenesis are not completely understood. In this regard, the use of dermoscopy to study the features of nevogenesis remains relevant. Goal – to evaluate the prevalence of dermoscopic patterns of nevi in childhood and adolescence. Three groups were formed out of 78 children aged 7-17 years by random sampling. 28 children (13 boys, 15 girls) aged 7-9 years, the average age – 7,9 ±0,7 years; 25 children (11 boys, 14 girls) aged 10-12 years, the average age – 10,9±0,4 years; 25 children (13 boys, 15 girls) aged 16-17 years, the average age – 16,1±0,3 years were in 1, 2 and 3 groups respectively. The study included nevi with a size of 3 mm and more (n=398). Nevi were separated according to the dermoscopy classification of acquired melanocytic nevi into globular, homogeneous, reticular and mixed. Nevi with the peripheral globular pattern were assigned to the group of nevi with the globular pattern. Reticular-homogeneous and globular-homogeneous patterns were evaluated as reticular and globular respectively. Reticular pattern was observed in 4 (14,3 %); 5 (20,0 %); 11 (44,0 %) children; globular pattern was revealed in 16 (57,1 %); 23 (92,0 %); 23 (92,0 %) children, peripheral globular pattern was seen in 0; 1 (4,0 %), 4 (16 %) children; homogeneous pattern was detected in 2 (7,1 %); 3 (12,0 %); 9 (36,0 %) children from 1, 2, 3 groups respectively. Mixed pattern was detected in 3 (12,0 %); 7 (28,0 %) children from 2, 3 groups respectively. Among 398 nevi in all children globular pattern was found in 303 (76,1 %) nevi, reticular pattern – 40 (10,1 %), homogeneous – 42 (10,5 %), mixed – 13 (3,3 %).

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