
The relevance of the research topic is due to the search for a scientifically sound strategy for Russia’s political positioning in the international space. The article presents the authors’ attempt to justify the con- ceptual behavior of the country in modern international relations based on the analysis of theories of the post- industrial period. The aim of the study is to search for concepts and scientific theories that can serve as a method- ological basis for designing the political behavior of a particular country or exert an effective regulatory impact on a variety of subjects of international relations. The research methods are abstract modeling of the situation and fore- casting, qualitative content analysis of modern theories, which allows to identify the conceptual aspects of the be- havior of political actors in modern international relations. Apart from this, the course of reasoning leads the authors to the conclusion that international policy should be based on scientific theories allowing to calculate the prospects of development of the global community depending on the behavior strategies of individual states.

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