
The purpose of this study is to specifically explore ways to revitalize labor human rights education for out-of-school youths by examining the status of labor human rights education for out-of-school youths and examining the necessity of labor human rights education. To this end, this study used the literature research method to examine the current status of out-of-school youths and the legal basis for out-of-school youth labor human rights education, and based on this examination, it further explored programs as well as teaching and learning practices. The results of the study are as follows. Currently, the Out-of-School Youth Support Center is the core of the support system for out-of-school youths in Korea. However, according to the result of analyzing the status of labor human rights education at the Out-of-School Youth Support Center, labor human rights education at the Out-of-School Youth Support Center is inadequate and needs improvement in the functional aspects of labor human rights education that requires various educational factors in order for the out-of-school youths to understand labor society and establish correct values and attitudes for labor rights. Therefore, as part of the plan to revitalize labor rights education for the out-of-school youths who often have less learning opportunities comparatively, this study presented the development area, details, and core competencies for labor rights education of out-of-school youths, and practical strategies. In addition, it was suggested that the Out-of-School Youth Support Center could strengthen the organic cooperation system with the provincial office of education, the district office of education, individual schools, and other related institutions for a further and continues link between finding out-of-school youths and labor rights education.

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