
The article is devoted to study of practice of brand management in modern international business, as well as the features of their development in the world economy. The article highlights the concepts, essence and significance of brand and branding in the structure of the international business environment; the main approaches to brand management are studied; the theoretical and methodological aspects of forming a scientific idea of this type of marketing activity as a tool to increase the market competitiveness of a global enterprise are identified. The article analyzes the world experience of international brand management, identifies ways and mechanisms to regulate the activities of international brands in the world; the internal mechanisms of using brand management at enterprises and the conditions under which it is expedient to use it are studied, a modernized approach to branding’s implementation of in the management of international enterprises is also proposed. The article raises the issue of using branding as a line of innovation and strategic vision of the prospects of the market in general and the company in particular. Different cultural approaches to the branding introduction in the management of enterprises in different countries have been studied. The content of elements of brand management and its conceptual apparatus are studied; an attempt is made to build a model of global brand management, which contains a structural and logical scheme of management actions and reflects their cyclical nature, which allows to differentiate management processes. The relevance of this study is due to its practical and theoretical significance for the development of branding in the world, as well as finding ways to form new brands and promote them in national markets, taking into account the specifics of these markets and factors determining the effectiveness of global brands. Also, the relevance of research on this topic is due to the need to scientifically study the problem of human perception of the brand as an economic category and as an intangible asset in the context of its consumer behavior in global markets, as well as the need to reveal the nature, principles and differences of brand management in international business.

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