
UDC 658.5+338.1; JEL Classification: M13:M21:O32 Purpose: The proposed article will consider the important role of the architecture of the innovative space of entrepreneurial activity as an important component of modern enterprise innovative development. With the transition of society to the next stage of technology development and economic conditions, the company must develop the latest adaptive approaches to adapting its own business to today's requirements. Methodology of Research Dialectical cognition method are used for flexible, critical and consistent consideration of theoretical issues of innovation and entrepreneurship; abstraction method are used for separating from the minor features of the studied issues, with a parallel selection of those properties that are essential for the proposed study; theoretical generalization and generally logical techniques of cognition are used for considering the available scientific information on this issue. Findings: The main task in managing the architecture of the innovation space of the enterprise is the synchronization of all elements with each other. At the same time, one of the key tasks is the relationship between the overall business architecture of the enterprise and the architecture of the innovation space. In the framework of this article the important role of the architecture of the innovative space of entrepreneurial activity as an important component of the innovative development of a modern enterprise is considered. Originality: as a scientific novelty the construction of architecture of innovation space as a component of innovative activity of the enterprise is offered; systematized subsystems of innovation space. In addition, as a scientific novelty is a proposal to consider the process of creating an architecture of innovative space of the enterprise through its distribution by stages of the life cycle. Practical value of the study results is that the improved aspects of the theory of innovation will allow to adapt the activities of the enterprise to implement innovations to external conditions. With a well-constructed architecture of the innovation space, the company will be able to define more clearly the business processes associated with innovation projects. This architecture helps to synchronize the innovative elements with each other and link them to the overall structure of the enterprise. At the same time, one of the key tasks is the relationship between the overall business architecture of the enterprise and the architecture of the innovation space on the one hand through documentation, improvement and standardization of business processes, and on the other – through the description of elements of innovation architecture at the logical level, communication with business processes of the enterprise, etc.

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