
In modern science studies, there is an increasing interest in the history of the development of Russian science, which allows to determine the leading trends in its evolution. This article examines one of the main directions of scientific knowledge — the process of integration of sciences, which in the XXth century was actualized in Russian musicology. The purpose of the work is to reconstruct the historical stages of the formation of integrative trends in the national musical science of this period. Diachronic and synchronic methods make it possible to consider the studied problems in the "horizontal" dimension and in the context of "vertical-historical" connections, which reveals the trajectory of the integration process and justifies the existence of two different periods in the Russian music science of the XXth century. The article analyzes the categorical apparatus of integrative directions adopted in modern philosophy of science: these are such concepts as "interdisciplinarity", "polydisciplinarity" and "transdisciplinarity". The analysis of research practice shows that the most typical term for musicology is "interdisciplinarity". Currently, the phenomenon of interdisciplinary interactions in musicology is a little-explored area. Turning to the history of the formation of integrative directions as an object of study allows to supplement the scientific picture of the world of musicology and contribute to the development of a general theory of the integration of sciences.

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