
The article is devoted to analysing the paintings of the founder of the Ossetian literature, painter, playwright and publicist Kosta Levanovitch Khetagurov (1859-1906) and prominent symbolist poet, innovator of the Ossetian versification, playwright and painter of the beginning of the XX century Alikhan Inusovich Tokaev (1893-1920). In particular, the researcher considers landscape paintings, identifies the elements of romanticism in the artistic manner, colour scheme, ideological content of the pictorial works. The findings lead to the conclusion that aesthetics of Romanticism with its vivid imagery, pathos of freedom, exoticism and national spirit influenced directly the Ossetian painters’ creative work. For the first time in the Ossetian art criticism, the paper provides a comparative analysis of the Ossetian painters’ artistic heritage. Tokaev’s paintings were not previously subjected to the artistic analysis, and it is the scientific originality of the study.

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